In total 112 submission
Smart Devices
Do you have any smart devices in your home?
112 submissions
Smart Devices - Specifics
Which of these devices do you currently have?
108 submissions
What smart home technologies are you using in your home?
108 submissions
How many smart devices do you currently have in your home?
108 submissions
Voice Assistants
Do you use a voice controlled home assistant platform (Alexa, Google Home, etc.)?
112 submissions
Voice Assistants - Specifics
Which one?
78 submissions
Home Assistant Usage
Let's start with the basics...Are you using Home Assistant?
112 submissions
Home Assistant Experience Level
Rate your general experience level with Home Assistant
97 submissions
More specifically, rate your experience with Home Assistant automations and scripts
97 submissions
In your Home Assistant, are you currently using ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) or Zigbee2mqtt?
97 submissions
Home Assistant in Your Future
Do you plan to use Home Assistant in the future?
15 submissions
Smart Devices - Your Wishlist
Which devices are you particularly interested in adding to your home?
112 submissions
What is your approximate budget for your next purchase?
112 submissions
Shopping Habbits
How likely are you to buy your gadgets from the following places:
112 submissions
When buying gadgets for your home, how important are these criterions to you?
112 submissions
Green Thumb
Do you have indoor or outdoor plants?
112 submissions
Contacting You